
How LasoExperience’s AI Solutions Add Value to Hotels

How LasoExperience’s AI Solutions Add Value to Hotels
AI-powered guest messaging has been a cornerstone of the LasoExperience platform since day one. Our customers love it, and it's one of the most used features of our platform.
How LasoExperience’s AI Solutions Add Value to Hotels

AI-powered guest messaging has been a cornerstone of the LasoExperience platform since day one. Our customers love it, and it's one of the most used features of our platform. It's no wonder – our customers consistently report great results in saving time and removing communication bottlenecks throughout the guest journey.

Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of AI messaging for hotels: 

Improved Time-to-Resolution

Let’s say your guest needs a new pillow or reports a leaky faucet. With AI-powered messaging, they can simply text their request, and the right staff member will be instantly notified to resolve the issue. Imagine your guest’s delight when they request extra towels and have them delivered in minutes! 

Increased Guest Satisfaction

Did you know that a mere 3-minute delay in responding to a guest's query can lead to a 6% decrease in customer satisfaction? With an automated messaging system, guests get instantaneous and personalized responses, ensuring their needs are met promptly. For instance, if a guest asks for restaurant recommendations, they get immediate suggestions tailored to their preferences, making them feel valued and heard.

Reduced Workload for Staff

By handling routine inquiries and tasks, the automated messaging system frees up hotel staff to focus on more complex and high-value activities, enhancing overall efficiency. For example, the system can handle common questions like Wi-Fi passwords or check-out times, allowing staff to assist with special requests or emergencies. 

24/7 Availability

Automated chat systems provide round-the-clock customer service, ensuring guests can get assistance at any time. Whether it’s day or night, your guests will always have support available. For instance, if a guest is up late and wants info about the tours available the next day, the system can provide all the details. 

Handling High Volumes

During busy periods or large events, an AI-powered chat can manage multiple conversations simultaneously. This capability ensures that all guest inquiries are addressed promptly, regardless of the number of guests needing assistance. For example, during a conference, multiple attendees can ask about event schedules and get quick, accurate answers without overwhelming the front desk. 

Expanding AI Benefits with LasoXP's AI Assistant

In the LasoExperience platform, the benefits of AI extend beyond direct guest communication. We've embedded an AI writing assistant in the LasoXP CMS, allowing our customers to generate conversion-focused content quickly. By providing prompts, the AI assistant creates content with the perfect tone and length to capture guests' attention and drive them to action.

Chat Messages Summarization

With AI summarization capabilities, you can quickly understand overall guest sentiment and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, understanding guest queries and preferences can guide the development of new services and amenities.

Guest Feedback Summary

Our AI summarization tool enables hotels to quickly gather actionable insights from guest feedback. Identify positive and negative sentiments, spot recurring issues, and address concerns promptly to enhance guest satisfaction.

Changing the Game with Large Language Models (LLMs)

At LasoExperience, innovation is our driving force, and integrating advanced AI capabilities is just one example of how we empower our customers to achieve their goals. Recently, we introduced LLM into our product in a trial mode. This large language model is trained on the content entered in the CMS, providing a chatty interface with immediate responses.

Enhanced Understanding and Interaction

Imagine a concierge who knows almost everything about the hotel and can answer almost any question a guest might have, from booking details to the best local attractions, even if the questions are complex or phrased differently. This results in more accurate and helpful answers, leading to higher guest satisfaction. 

A Valuable Resource for Hotel Staff

But the benefits of LLM extend beyond guest interactions. Internally, the LLM serves as a unique search engine for the hotel's knowledge base. Staff can use it to quickly discover new updates, amenities, and events happening within the hotel using simple language. This streamlines the process of accessing the latest information, enabling staff to stay informed and deliver better service.

Example of LLM in Action

Consider a guest asking about a specific dish like clam chowder. The LLM can parse through the linked menu PDF and provide information about the restaurant serving the dish and how to book it. It can also stay updated on active notices about amenities, ensuring guests receive current information about closures or special events. 

The advantage of LLM over traditional NLP is significant. NLP models are hard to train properly, whereas LLMs learn from the content itself, making them more efficient and effective. 


Providing premium service in hospitality is closely tied to convenience and personalization. Hotels will increasingly rely on AI-related technologies to deliver exceptional guest experiences. AI-powered messaging and large language models are not just about efficiency—they are about creating memorable and satisfying guest interactions that drive loyalty and positive reviews.

Integrating AI into your hotel operations can transform the way you interact with guests, enhance satisfaction, and streamline processes. Contact us to see LasoExperience's AI-powered solutions in action. 

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