
Key Metrics Every Hotel GM Should Track

Key Metrics Every Hotel GM Should Track
It's time for GMs to embrace new and innovative metrics that capture the essence of today's tech-savvy, experience-driven guests. This means being forward-thinking, relying on data-driven decisions, and really understanding what makes your guests tick.
Key Metrics Every Hotel GM Should Track

The world of hospitality is changing fast. With the digital age taking over and travellers craving unique experiences, the old ways of measuring hotel performance just aren't cutting it anymore. To stay ahead of the game, it's time to embrace new and innovative metrics that capture the essence of today's tech-savvy, experience-driven guests. This means being forward-thinking, relying on data-driven decisions, and really understanding what makes your guests tick.

The Limitations of Traditional Metrics

Let's talk about an old favorite: Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR). Sure, it's been a go-to for years, but it doesn't tell the whole story. RevPAR overlooks the total number of rooms, which can make comparisons between properties misleading. A big hotel with a lower RevPAR might actually be more profitable than a smaller one with a higher RevPAR.

Plus, RevPAR ignores Costs Per Occupied Room (CPOR) and extra revenue from services like catering, parking, or the spa. This makes it a weak tool for gauging true profitability. That's why savvy hoteliers are switching to Adjusted Revenue Per Available Room (ARPAR). ARPAR considers average variable expenses per occupied room and additional income from other departments, giving a clearer picture of your hotel's bottom line.

Embracing Guest-Centric Metrics 

In the era of experiential travel, guest satisfaction is paramount. Online reviews, social media, and word-of-mouth can significantly impact a hotel's reputation and revenue. That's why tracking guest satisfaction through Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Review Response Time is essential. These metrics give you valuable insights into guest experiences, helping you pinpoint areas for improvement and celebrate what's working well.

For example, imagine your hotel is getting a lot of negative reviews about slow check-in processes. This clearly highlights an area needing attention. On the other end of the spectrum are your happy guests, one that would gladly share their positive experience with your hotel. 

LasoExperience helps you collect feedback from your guests when it’s still fresh in their minds. After check-out, guests receive an automated message encouraging them to leave a review, with 4 or 5-star reviewers being directed to rate your property on TripAdvisor and Google Maps for maximum exposure.

By focusing on these guest-centric metrics, you can enhance the guest experience, boost your reputation, and ultimately drive more revenue. 

Meeting the Demand for Unique Stays

Experiential travel is here to stay. Guests want more than just a room; they crave unique experiences that create lasting memories. Hotels offering bookable experiences like cooking classes, guided tours, or wellness retreats can boost guest satisfaction and drive additional revenue. 

For instance, consider a luxury hotel in Napa Valley offering vineyard tours and wine tasting sessions. By tracking revenue from these experiences, the GM can gauge their popularity and success. If the tours are a hit, the hotel might expand the offerings or collaborate with local wineries to create exclusive packages. 

Beyond ADR and RevPAR

Traditional metrics like Average Daily Rate (ADR) just don't cut it anymore. To capture the full revenue picture, you need to look at Total Revenue Per Guest (TRPG). This metric covers all the money a guest spends during their stay, giving you insights into spending habits and upselling opportunities. It helps GMs see how different areas of the hotel contribute to overall revenue.

Daily Guest Spend is another key metric, going beyond room rates to include extra spending on dining, spa services, and activities. For example, a guest might book a room at a modest rate but splurge on other amenities. By tracking Daily Guest Spend, you can identify these high-value guests and tailor promotions to boost spending across various services. 

Building Long-Term Relationships

Guest Lifetime Value (LTV) is a powerful metric that measures the total revenue a guest generates over their entire relationship with your hotel. Returning guests often spend more and are more likely to purchase upsells, making LTV a key indicator of long-term business health.

For example, think of a guest who visits every year for a local festival and always books spa treatments and dining packages. This guest has a high LTV. By recognizing and rewarding such loyal guests with personalized offers and exceptional service, you can foster deeper relationships and encourage repeat business. Building these long-term connections not only boosts revenue but also enhances guest satisfaction and loyalty.

Leveraging Technology for Real-Time Insights

Technology is indispensable for tracking and analyzing these metrics. Systems like PMS and CRM provide valuable insights but often aren’t sophisticated enough to enable real-time data collection and interpretation needed to make informed decisions and respond swiftly to changing guest needs.

This is where a guest experience platform like LasoExperience can make a huge difference. LasoXP offers real-time analytics and insights into guest behavior, helping you understand patterns and preferences on the fly. With these tools at your disposal, you can tailor your strategies and improve guest satisfaction.


As a hotel GM, you have the unique opportunity to shape memorable experiences for your guests while driving sustainable profitability for your business. By moving beyond traditional metrics and embracing advanced indicators we discussed, you can gain deeper insights into your operations. This data-driven approach will guide you toward delivering exceptional guest service and achieving long-term success in the world of experiential travel. 

LasoExperience takes care of the guests' entire journey with your hotel, from reservation to post-stay, opening up new revenue opportunities while focusing on guest needs. Contact us to have a chat and see how we can help!

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